Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Getting Involved with Leviticus

We are now smack in the middle of Leviticus. It's not easy to wade through these long and detailed instructions that may strike us as confusing, random, or harsh. Remember the refrain God continues to give: "Be holy, as I am holy." This is in part about setting apart the Israelites from the people around them. When we get to the book of Hebrews in the New Testament, all of this will make more sense!

I was trying to think of Christian songs that use the language of Exodus/Leviticus. Sandra McCracken and Derek Webb's  song "She Must and Shall Go Free" reminded me of what I have been reading - its language about the debt of sin, the shedding of blood for atonement, sins being cast on a scapegoat, and the peace and rest that comes from being right with God.

I love the stripped down recording of this on the Indelible Grace album to the version on Derek's album with the same name. This live video captures the beauty of their voices together:

Mercy speaks by Jesus' blood
Hear and sing, ye sons of God
Justice satisfied indeed
Christ has full atonement made

Jesus' blood speaks loud and sweet
Here all deity can meet
And without a jarring voice
Welcome Zion to rejoice
Welcome Zion to rejoice

All her debt's been cast on Me
She must and shall go
All her debt's been cast on Me
She must and shall go free

Peace of conscience, peace with God
We obtain through Jesus' blood
Jesus' blood speaks solid rest
We believe and we are blessed
We believe and we are blessed

All her debt's been cast on Me
She must and shall go free

Should the law against her roar
Jesus' blood still speaks with power
All her debts were cast on Me
She must and shall go free

I'd like to suggest this book about the Old Testament by Ellen Davis, who was my Old Testament professor in seminary. It's called Getting Involved With God: Rediscovering the Old Testament. The Introduction describes the book well:

“This is a book about getting, and staying, involved with God—what it takes, what it costs, what it looks and feels like, why anyone would want to do it anyway. It is at the same time a book about reading the Old Testament as a source of Good News and guidance for our life with God. The key piece of Good News that the Old Testament communicates over and over again is that God is involved with us, deeply and irrevocably so.”
Dr. Davis is coming to Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Nashville this coming weekend! Unfortunately I am unable to attend any of her lectures. I would encourage anyone who wants to hear a life-giving and fascinating interpretation of Old Testament Scripture to go and listen to her. More information on her visit can be found here:

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