Wednesday, August 29, 2012

more from Proverbs on joy

A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones.

I learned a little song when I was a kid with the lyrics from this verse from Proverbs - "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (that's the KJV translation). I remember thinking at the time that it was a weird thing to say, because most kids don't like taking their medicine. But I get the feeling that joy isn't the kind of medicine you make a face about when you take it though later it makes you feel better; it is good for you every step of the way. Joy is a good remedy for whatever ails your spirit. On the other hand, when our spirit is broken, the effects pervade our whole being, even our bodies. I have discovered that personally in dealing with chronic pain over the past couple of years. I am doing much better now, but I had to learn that our emotions and our bodies are much more tightly connected than I would have ever thought before. I find that music, especially praise and worship music, helps to lift my spirits and bring me the medicine of joy. What makes you joyful?

Monday, August 27, 2012

"A cheerful heart has a continual feast"

CS Lewis says that "Joy is the serious business of heaven." The stereotypical Christian is probably someone who is a bit uptight, prudish, and humorless. CS Lewis turns that idea on its head and says that joy is the mark of the true Christian. I love this verse in the title from Proverbs 15:15. The joyful person had a continual, movable feast that goes with them wherever they go. Their joy isn't dependent upon where they are, what they have, or how things seem to be going, because they take joy in what is unchangeable - that by the power of the Spirit, they can draw near to God in each and every moment of their day and give thanks, seek wisdom, and to ask for help. May we live in that kind of joy today.

"The Joyful Christian," a collection of readings by CS Lewis.